Thursday, January 01, 2009

Free anti-virus software

There is no reason why you need to pay for anti-virus software. This is a choice you make if you are not discerning about the money you spend. You might think that software vendors deserve the fee you pay, but rest assured they are doing very well given that a great many people are paying $50 to $90 a year for software.
There are a number of vendors. Most offer a free intro period after which they invite you to pay for an upgrade. My advice is - uninstall the free version and then download it again. Failing that you can find another vendor. The intent of course is for them to find a new revenue model that charges others rather than you. My intent is not to rip you off, but for the cost to reflect value and competitive pressures. Free product is a way of avoiding advertising expenses. Having got you, their intent is to entrap you, by making you think you need to download a 'paid' version with a few extra features. You really only need the basic software.
Some of the 'paid' anti-virus software around is actually more trouble than its worth. I started out paying for Norton, but it was so resource hungry. Then I used MicroTrend's product, then Avast, and more recently AVG. Sometimes it can be hard to find a free version, so we have provided some links for you. Try searching Google for 'free anti-virus software':
1. AVG - free version
2. Avast - 60 day free version
3. Micro Trend - 30 day free trial
4. Norton - 15 day free trial

I dare say these companies sell your registration details to advertising companies, though I am not sure about their policy. The best strategy is to download AVG since it offers the best terms, and thereafter if you seem to have any problem you can download the others to remove a virus that AVG has a trouble removing, or pay for a premium version. This strategy worked for me.
Andrew Sheldon

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